Gain Full Visibility of Your Leads with Marketing Automation

Apr. 2 2019 Dealership Tips By Dealer Spike

One of the most valuable tools within Marketing Automation software is Lead Scoring using a customized scoring system based on your dealership’s goals and needs. Once a lead hits a certain score, specific to your individual business priorities, that indicates it is the optimal time for your sales team to reach out to that lead.

A major missed opportunity would be the failure of your sales team to reach out quickly enough to hot leads. Let’s say your sales manager is in the habit of checking lead scores only at the beginning and end of each day. What if a lead hits the optimal score to reach out mid-morning? Maybe at that time the lead is ready to come in for a test drive or even purchase the unit from your dealership. But by the time it takes for your sales manager to see the lead score, assign the lead to a sales representative, and allow that rep to reach out to the lead, it could be hours or even days later. Perhaps in that time, your lead has shifted interests or has gone to another dealership.

The best time to reach out to a hot prospect is as soon as they turn hot or hit that score you’ve indicated, and text notifications to your sales team offer a solution for the quickest follow-up. Fully automated through Marketing Automation software, text notifications for hot lead scores prevent your sales team from missing major sales opportunities.

Text notifications are just one way that Marketing Automation gives you full visibility of every lead. It can also help to organize and automate outreach and follow-up with leads that your sales team has collected through your CRM or DMS system. When you provide that sales data, Marketing Automation software can set up custom audiences and email lists with workflows to target those leads with specific messages and reminders – things like service appointments, trade-in notifications, and more. This is just another way that Marketing Automation eliminates work for you – instead of setting up this outreach separately, Marketing Automation can encompass the leads you collect outside of your website platform as well. Automated processes keep you from spending valuable time setting up messages manually and prevent hot leads from slipping through the cracks due to human error.

What it really comes down to is the assurance that every lead for your dealership is receiving the attention they need for the best chance to convert to a sale. Without Marketing Automation, you don’t get a 360° view of each lead, which makes it easy to become forgetful or miss important details. Marketing Automation software allows you to see the entire scope of each lead, eliminating extra work by organizing and prioritizing each lead using an automated, hands-free system. Don’t risk the chance of missing out on a hot sales opportunity – rest assured that you have full visibility of each lead that comes your way.